Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Things are really starting to settle in here, I'm hitting a routine every day and I really like it. I've started to go to scout meetings on Saturdays, this is something that I really like, we do a lot of volunteer work. One of the major differences between american scouts and Argentine scouts is that here the program is done through the Catholic Church. However they are very respectful of the fact that I'm not catholic and I help make their shrines to the Virgin Mary so I think it all works out.
There is also a new American Exchanger in my town her name is Courtney, we are here with the same program, she is staying about a mile and a half from my house. So if i ever want to practice my English or talk to someone about how a cultural difference between our two nations I have an outlet.
There is also an Austrian boy, an Italian girl and a Swiss girl in my town, we have little exchange getogethers sometimes. I hang out with the Austrian frequently his name is Jakob.
In November my fellow rotary students and I will be going to Patagonia. I am also trying to organize a trip to a chilean national park with my scout troop.
Saludos desde la Argentina,
Evan :)